Friday 20 September 2019

The others- Day 15 (Matera)

Final day in Matera. Headed for the town square after breakfast as we wanted to do the tour of the Palombaro Lungo or underground water cistern which was carved from the rock under the town square in the 16th Century. Sign said ticket office opens at 9.25 so being Italy it was about 9.35 when someone turned up to sell tickets for the 9.30 tour! It was worth going though - incredible place which tapped spring water and stored it underground in huge caves hewn from the rock and lined with terracotta sludge to keep it waterproof. Holes in the roof where they used to lower the buckets into the water to draw their supplies. Up to a cafe on top of the city hall with a great view and good coffee. Visit to the nearby bank for cash withdrawal for the ride and then headed off to the older side of the town to explore. You can just spend your day walking around this place and not get bored - every time you turn a corner there is something fascinating revealed. In one of the many churches we watched restoration work of the gold embossing being done and then we reached the older part of the town where people lived in caves right up to the 1950s. Lunch at the same great place we were yesterday and had some beautiful antipasto and bruschetta plus their own brewed beer which was great. Got home for a break but then had to go out as they must have been doing more James Bond filming as a jet kept on doing low runs over the town and letting out smoke so everyone was out watching. Got up to the Piazza of S.Giovanni which had previously been blocked off by security for the James Bond filming. Found a cafe for afternoon tea and they served something called Expessino Fresco which was a creamy consistency cold coffee- absolutely delicious! Dinner tonight was interesting. Two nights ago we had been to a well-regarded restaurant just down the road and tried to get in for dinner but they were booked out - we therefore asked for a booking for tonight. "What time would you like?" "7.30" "7.45 would be better" - we were their first entry in the Booking book! So being very careful about the time we timed it to be there exactly at 7.45 but found the doors closed. Take a walk and come back. Still closed. Take a walk and buy some souvenirs. Still closed. Check my watch - actually 7.10! Back home for a bit more packing and then return at the correct time. Had a magnificent meal - wild boar for E and pork with fried peppers for me. The food - again - is just beautiful. Ride starts 8.30 in the morning and we have 75 km to go first day - might be a brief blog tomorrow night!

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