Wednesday 18 September 2019

The others - day 13 (Spedaletto to Matera)

Quite sad to be leaving Spedaletto this morning. It was a fabulous place to stay - amazing historic buildings beautifully modified for great accommodation and the loveliest people operating it. The breakfasts were amazing. Have to mention the thin toasted breads with the reddest and most flavoursome tomatoes, proscuito, salamis, cakes etc - a magnificent spread every morning. Said our sad farewells to Laura and her wonderful Mum and set out to drive to Rome. If only we had a road like that from Maryborough to Brisbane - 250 km and we were in Rome in 2 and a bit hours - 130kph all the way although it did cost 10 Euro for the toll. Got to drop the hire car off no worries and then had a bit to eat plus coffee in good time for our 3.05 flight to Bari which, by the way, cost $72 each. Met by our Girolibero driver at the airport and set out on the hour drive To Matera. You've got to see this place to believe it. Time for only a coup,e of photos of our room in a cave hotel and a shot of the old town itself. We have two extra days here to explore this extraordinary place so more to come! A couple of comments on Tuscany - visually spectacular, richly historic and very friendly authentic people. Traditional Italian culture is alive and well in this part of Italy set in the most beautiful landscapes. It more than lives up to expectations and is an absolute must see for any traveller. Looking forward to exploring this extraordinary city of Madera over the next couple of days. We are sharing it with the cast and crew of the latest James Bond movie which is being filmed here at the moment - James Bond's Aston Martins all over town apparently.

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