Wednesday 11 September 2019

Egypt and others - day 6 (Edfu to Aswan)

A quiet cruising day today. We had arrived in Edfu overnight and had a choice after breakfast to take a ride in horse and buggy to the Horus temple or stay on board and do a tour of the ship. Our guide Ramy suggested we miss the temple as it is very similar to the one on this afternoon's schedule and that the people who operate the horse and bugg
y tours were known for their cruelty so best that we avoided them. Ship's tour was quite interesting through kitchens and bridge. Captains of these vessels run in families with a 25 year training regime based on sons being trained by fathers (sorry, daughters not allowed) - completely sewn up by Muslims and they are very well paid. Very relaxing time on the upper deck sipping cold drinks and then after another very good lunch we berthed in Kim Ombo where we visited another temple. This one is from a later time - built during Cleopatras reign and mixed up the Greek and Egyptian Gods and mythology. Also contained a museum of mummified crocodiles which at that time were sacred. Ramy then took us to a coffee shop complex which covers about 15 acres and has 18 separate coffee shops - had a really good "flat white" - best so far in Egypt while Rami smoked his water pipe. There is an "Egyptian night" planned for after dinner tonight so I'll tell you about that next time. Off to Aswan and the giant dam tomorrow so should be a fun last day of touring. Boy does time fly hen you're having fun!

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