Sunday 29 September 2019

The others - day 24 (Paris to Rennes) - pronounced Rrrren!

Supposed to be a ordinary old travel day today but travel always throws up unexpected adventures and incidents that live long in the memory - today was one of those. CITIZEN M hotel at get airport was very interesting as I said yesterday. Lovely breakfast from the 24/7 kitchen, booked ourselves out on the computer and set off late in the morning to catch the TGV to Rennes straight from the airport. It was blowing, cold and raining so a good day for travel (except on a bike!) We decided to book the return TGV for next Monday while we had time and there are machines plus office at cdg airport so off we went to do that. Ma hine didnt want to work so reluctantly lined up at the booking desk- didnt have to wait too long though. Explained to the lady that I wanted tickets from Pontsoran back to cdg next Monday 7th. Now some may remember my French train booking story from a few years ago - " there are verks on the track" - well guess what? The lady looked at the computer and uttered the immortal words - "i'm very sorry sir, you cannot return here next Monday as there will be verks on the tracks!!!" She found my response of giggling a bit surprising but was very good at her job and continued with tbe advice that she would look at what else could be done. After some checking on tbe computer she then added to my amusement by announcing "It's ok we can detour by Granville!" It does sound grander in French - gronveele - but the spelling is the same! Now it means that we go all the way to Paris and then catch a shuttle bus back to the airport so hope our shuttle experience is better than the last effort. Had a beautiful train trip of 3.5 hours to Rennes and took a taxi to the hotel in tbe middle of town. Had a bit of a worry when the ride instructions were not in the room but found they had booked us two rooms! Instructions don't seem as good as those from Girolibero but we'll see how it goes. Rennes is a surprise packet. Beautiful town centre with grand opera house and huge square plus an old part of town which dates back to middle ages -13th and 14th centuries - amazing. Riding tomorrow - it will be good to be back in action again.

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