Friday 13 September 2019

Egypt and others- Day 9 (Aswan to Orvieto)

Not a good day and need to be brief. Up at 4.30 to get to the airport for 7.05 flight to Cairo and then on to Rome - all of which went quite well until luggage failed to turn up in Rome! Reported the lost luggage to Alitalia who represent Egyptair in Rome - very apologetic but nothing can be done. Collected the hire car and after it did some weird things and sent us up a blind alley in Rome we reset and tried again and eventually were on the way north - fabulous road 130 kph all the way to Orvieto. Got to the town for dinner Q great pasta, tiramisu and local red wine - now we know we are in Italy! Have to see what happens re luggage - unable to clean teeth, change clothes, charge phone or tablet so if off the air for a while, it means we still have no luggage. Had to happen sometime and trust Egyptair to deliver the problem! Hop to be back in touch soon.

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