Wednesday 25 September 2019

The others - day 20 ( Santa Maria di Leuca to Otranto)

Amazing day. Beautiful weather and a terrific ride starting at S L di Leuca and ending I this terrific little town of Otranto. Started out with a big climb out of SO do Leuca and had quite a few "challenging" climbs along the way with a 52 km total for the day represented a good challenging ride. Basically skirted the beautiful Adriatic Sea - SO blue it is almost unbelievable. Little towns along the way with some beautiful little bays, grotto and swimming holes. Stopped for lunch in Castro and at little stops along the way for coffees etc. Ran into Michelle a couple of times as well plus a group of German cyclists whom we keep seeing ever since Matera even though they are not on our ride! Arrived in Otranto about 4.30 and easily found our lovely hotel. Usual scrub up after a hard day's ride, glass of our Limoncello and then off to tour the old town. Absolutely a surprise packet this one. Beautiful harbour, lovely streets and shops, incredible cathedral with the whole (huge) floor covered in a mosaic of the tree of life. Stunning.dinner in a great little restaurant recommended by the hotel - pasta and gnocchi which more than filled us up! Last day tomorrow. It has been an amazing ride - will summarise and comment in the next blog.

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