Sunday 8 September 2019

Egypt and others - day 3

Today was the day of actually seeing things we had previously only dreamed about. First stop was the pyramids- the Giza ones that is - and the sphinx of co

urse. Typical tourist stuff really but they they didnt disappoint. Massive. Awe-inspiring of course with the great Cheops pyramid 235metres on each edge of the perfect square base each side exactly facing  the points of the compass.

Even had to have the ride on a camel and our photo taken by the camel driver!  Checked out the sphinx which is not as big as most pictures tend to portray but pretty impressive nevertheless. Luckily got in before the crowds got too big so were able look around and look at it all no problem. Definitely one of the wonders of the world.
Moved into town and checked out a perfume  shop, papyrus shop and cotton shop and then enjoyed grill for lunch at restaurant with view of - guess what? - the pyramids!
The national museum is in a beautiful but quite grubby/Dusty old French building with displays in old timber cabinets reminiscent of the old Queensland Museum. However what is displayed is worth seeing - mummies, jewels, furniture at and of course the main feature is the contents of Tutenkamen's tomb including his gold coffin (120kg of gold) and his mask (18kg of gold) - just incredible to see.
Off to the crazy Khan el Khalili market in the middle of Cairo where you are under a constant bombardment to buy but managed to escape unscathed.
Eventually back to the hotel through the unbelievable traffic chaos (Sunday is a work day) for a cold beer and light supper. Great day.
Early start in the morning to catch the plane to Luxor and meet the boat and visit some temples!

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