Thursday 18 September 2014

2014 -Day12 (Visegrad to Esztergom)

Longest ride of the tour today - ended up being circa 63k with a town tour along the way but (again) just a great day's riding in perfect weather. Three  crossings of the Danube by ferry as we went on to an island (Kisoroszi) and then looped back again.

The great thing about this trip has been the ease of cycling - pretty well  dead flat on really good surfaces (mostly) and the scenery is constantly changing - but continually ending up back  along the beautiful Danube.

Stopped in Zebegeny for morning tea - Lesley the tour director recommended a little cafe where we had beautiful torte and coffee (its OK - we're riding) before continuing past beautiful rural countryside to exit the island via ferry again.

Had to 'push" it to the next ferry as it left at 1.45 and you had a long wait if you missed it and we got there with a few minutes to spare.

Arrived at Esztergom after  stopping at a beautiful  park on the side of the river for packed lunch - got here at 3 in time to climb up to the massive basillica on top of the hill. Had to be back on the boat at 4.30 as we left port at 5 to head for Vienna where we dock at about 1.00pm tomorrow.

Hard to believe we have only one more ride on this tour - in the beautiful Wachau Valley. on Saturday. After a few days' riding, feeling terrific!

Trivia: The basillica we visited in Esztergom this afternoon is the largest church in Hungary. The painting on the Altar is considered the largest oil painting  on a single canvas in the world.

Cap: still smiling!

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