Monday 22 September 2014

2014 -day 15 (Passau to Brussells)

"Interesting" day today as some travelling days tend to be - big travel day right across Germany by train (2x trains actually) so all had to go well but.......

The boat berthed early in Passau (9.00am) but it started to rain and the unloading took quite a while as we berthed next to another criuse boat so all the luggage had to be carried(by the crew) across the other boat to the wharf. Finally caught the cab with Efti to the railway station and as our train did not leave until 1.30 we put our bags in lockers and headed into downtown Passau for a look around plus of course coffee and a bit to eat. Magnificent Cathedral there and we walked in just as mass was underway with a magnificent organ and choir - beautiful.

First problem occurred when the previous train was late and then a small one turned up at our platform - some announcements were made (in german) which even confused the locals apparently as then another train turned up and people went in every direction. We got on the second one, realised our seats were not where they should be and the train took off!! Eventually found a coductor who said we were supposed to be on the first train which was now apparently connected - we woulkd have to change at the next station - which we did after standing for about half an hour - eventually got our seats!

Changed trains at the huge Frankfurt station but that train ran quite late so we didn't get to Brussells until after 10. Terrific trip across Germany though - beautiful country with fields, valleys, mountains, cities such as Cologne etc - really enjoyed it.

More trouble in Brussells - Taxi driver at the station (10pm) said our hotel was 100m down the road - an hour later and with multiple contacts with locals who didn't have a clue, a policeman gave us the directions - booked in at 11.30 which explains why the blog is late!!!

Lovely weather today - we'll have a look around Brussells  (the bits we haven't seen!!) and head for Lille

trivia: german trains do not always run on time!!

Cap: all good

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