Tuesday 9 September 2014

2014 - Day 3 (Milan-Como)

Some days are special - and today was one of those. Didn't know what to expect really but we'd booked a day tour to Como/Lake Como/Bellagio so headed for the bus to leave at 8.30.

Drove up the highway to Como and had time to wander around there for a while. Very old (Roman) town with beautiful Duomo (Cathedral) in the centre of town. Lousy service at the cafe in town square so left and had ice-cream instead and gathered at the water-front to catch the tour boat.

The lake is just spectacular with massive mountains surounding and magnificent villas lining the shore seemingly all aroung the lake. Like nothing seen before! Owned by poor people such as Versace, Berliscone, George Clooney. Magnificent gardens to go with them.

Arrived at Bellagio, a village at the tip of the land at the junction of the two arms of the lake and had a couple of hours to have lunch and go shopping. Bellagio is probably the prettiest village we've visited. Set on the steep hillside on the lake's edge, the shops were beautiful and we enjoyed a really good lunch. Elizabeth purchased an Italian leather hand-bag that was on her "must get" list for the trip so that has been done - very nice too. A few presents and by then time too head back for a short ferry ride back to Cardenabbia where the bus met us for the return trip down an incredibly narrow, twisting road along the lake's edge before joining the highway back to Milan's traffic jams.

Beautiful day finished with a great (HUGE) dinner  at "Andry's" the restaurant recommended by the hotel manager and as usally happens, the recommendation was spot-on.

Bit of rain on the way home but nothing tonight. Doing walking tour of Milan including visiting "The Last Supper" so hope it stays fine!

Trivia: Como is the birthplace of Volta - the inventor of the battery. Museums to him everywhere.

Cap report: all good

Pictures of Como, Villas, Bellagio on facebook!

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