Tuesday 30 September 2014

2014 (Day 24) Cotswolds #2

Forecast for today was "foggy start and clearing later" so after another latish breakfast we headed into Bourton etc to pick up the bikes. Plan today was to do the "Southern Route" which is about 30k all up but with "a very long steep hill" to start. Undeterred, we sat out at about 10 and the hill wasn't that bad - better check with Elizabeth again on that - and when we got to the top we were rewarded with a lovely view of ............fog!

However, easy cycling along the ridge and when we reached Farmington we rested with a long chat to a guy doing his gardening. Off then to Northleach where there is a beautiful church (St Peter and Paul's) otherwise known as "The Wool Church" as it was built on the wealth of the 14th century wool industry or as "The Cathedral of the Cotswolds" due to the size. Morning Tea at a lovely cafe in town and then on to Sherbourne, a National Trust village which is in original condition (as if EVERYTHING around here isn't!!!)

On to Windrush and then down from the ridge to run along the Windrush River and took a drinks break at the "Fox Inn" enjoying a Ginger Beer on the riverbank and feeding the ducks. More chatting to locals

Back to Bourton for the again well-deserved coffee and scones before returning the bikes at about 4.30.

Best day's cycling we've had anywhere we reckon - just perfect weather, beautiful scenery, terrific little villages and pubs, lovely people, plenty of time, good roads - couldn't get much better that that!! Just SO glad we were blessed with such good weather for the two days.

Just to finish off a great couple of days, we decided to miss the "Lamb Inn" restaurant tonight and booked into a little restaurant in Bourton etc "The Appletree restaurant" and it was just terrific - Elizabeh had a beautiful steak and kidney pie and I had duck - that and a bottle of good Chilean wine all for 33 pound - great value and just lovely people and top service.

Trivia: Lots of celebrities live around here - "Lofty" from the East-enders, David Cameron,  Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear etc

Cap report: all still good

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