Monday 15 September 2014

2014 - Day 9 (Engelhartszell to Aschach)

No hills, no rain, cool, no traffic, quiet countryside along the banks of the "blue" Danube - sounds like pretty good cycling and it was.

Had to collect our numbered bikes from the 130 unloaded beside the boat this morning and register them with the tour director, collect locks, toolkits etc so it was about 9.30 by the time we got under way. Prior to that we had breakfast of course - very well presentedd and all good. On days when we cycle all day, we collect all the required ingredients from the buffet, make our rolls/sandwiches etc and then have them wrapped and packed for us to take as lunch - muesli bar, banana/fruit added.

Today as basically a ride along the paths that run on either side of the river. We had to cross twice using little ferries that charge 1.50 Euro and another 1.50 for a glass of scnapps to make the crossing more enjoyable! We're not converts to the joys of Scnapps but it's all good fun.

We met Efti our tour consultant from U-Tracks - she gets to do 2 trips per year which is pretty good. She is lovely - fell in love with one of the crew from the Greek Island cycle/sail last year - so she's heading back  there after this trip.

Scenery is beautiful as you'll see from the facebook photos - very fast flowing river with hydro plants and locks along the way. VERY relaxing ride today and we were back on board at 2.00. The boat leaves here at 3.30 and we head for Devin where we arrive at 9.00 tomorrow morning and do a ride to Bratslavia (43km) - have to get the blog done before the ships leaves here as the wi-fi does not work while we are sailing!

Great start - if the rest of the ride is as good as today we'll have no complaints.

Trivia: The Abbey in Engelszll is the only Trappist Monastry in Austria - but they've been there since 1293!

Caps still good

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