Monday 22 September 2014

2014 -Day 16 (Brussells to Lille)

A tale of two cities - the plan was to spend a bit of time in each of these cities today but that plan was thwarted by the trains again-

Had a look around Brussells this mornning - the centre of town is actually quite beautiful with amazing 15th cenury buildings surrounding both the square and the nearby Grasmarkt         where our (good) hotel was situated. The rest of Brussells is ordinary to say the least - dirty, smelly, chaotic and just plain ugly. Having looked around the "good" bits, we headed for the railway station to get tickets to Lille.

I should have known, as when we were on our way to Bruge two years ago we had decided that Brussells station was the worst organised in Europe - and it hasn't changed! Eventually found a "ticket" line (unmarked); stood in slowest line ever; got to sales person who could only sell me the ticket to the next station (Midi, where the fast trains leave from) - ticket for Lille had to be got from another window altogether; got to that office, told that no seats until the 4.17 TGV this afternoon!!

We headed for the next station (Midi) and had a look around that area of Brussells but it was just awful. Thankfully we found a terrific Greek restaurant where you were taken out to the kitchen where all their dishes were  on top of a bank of stoves and you just chose what you want - brought back very happy memories of Greek food and had lamb and salad and a lasagne type dish. Later found a casual cafe where we spent the afternoon having really good coffee and reading our kindle  books - very relaxing which was good.

Made our way to catch the 4.17 TGV and as usual it left right on time and is the smoothest, most comfortable and fastest of all the European trains. Arrived in Lille at 4.50 and got the cab to our hotel (Novotel) for the next three nights.

We already love Lille - it must be one of the most beautiful smaller cities in Europe. Unlike Brussells it is clean, easy to find your way around,  has magnificent squares and buildings and looks prosperous. Back in France so although we wanted only a light meal tonight, HAD to start with Foi Gras (best tasting of any food) and just had omlette to follow. After last night, looking forward to early night.

Off to the WW1 battlefields/cemeteries tomorow.

Trivia:Vienna has a Euro 35 fine if you don't pick up your dog's droppings

Cap - still attached

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