Monday 29 September 2014

2014 - day 23 (Great Rissington and around)

Today was a day when one "dream" was realised  -  cycling through the beautiful Cotswolds - and with a bit of luck, we'll enjoy a repeat episode tomorrow.

The "all clear" weather forecast of a few days ago was replaced with "unsettled" on the BBC weather report this morning but we set out with optimism this morning - after having to wait until 8.30 for breakfast at the hotel (that must be a record for breakfasts).

Only 5 minute drive into Bourton-on-the-water where we had arranged to pick up the bikes. That was all OK except for "Oh, the boss is away so you will not be able to call on assistance" so they loaded us up with spare tubes, a pump and full tool-kit and sent us off with the map.

The weather was a bit cloudy with light fog but generally OK and quite warm. No problems finding the little roads with the expected hedgerows and views across rolling hills with sheep, cattle and crops with occasional forests. Idyllic country and conditions for riding really. Unlike France, the English villages tend to be in the valleys adjacent to little rivers but it just means you have to climb OUT of the village rather than UP to it. Generally these were gradual long climbs but occasionally it would mean a quite steep climb.

Went through Lower Slaughter (just georgeous and yes, there is an Upper Slaughter), Standing Stones and stopped at Guiting Power for a coffee and cake break (well deserved) - ran into a couple from Woodgate (Ian and Eleanor) doing a drive through the area!! Made a "navigation error" leaving Guiting Power but soon realised it and went back for directions from the Post Office.

You could go mad with the camera - just idyllic "post card" scenes all along the way so I found when I got back that I didn't have that many photos as the "post card" scenes became the norm - the ones I've got are typical of the countryside and the villages though.

We arrived back in Bourton-on-the-water about 4.00, having stopped in Cold Aston (3 miles out) to put on the wet weather gear as the rain was all  around us - but somehow we missed it! Stopped at the tea rooms for the best scones/coffee (yes, well deserved again), returned the bikes and the 5 minute run back to The Lamb Inn - think dinner tonight will be pretty big!

This is fantastic cycling country - certainly the occasional big hill but generally undulating and with today's mild temperature and (mostly) fine weatherand just magnificent scenery both natural and man-made, it would be very hard to beat. (better check Elizabeth's version when we get back!!!!!)

Trivia: A major Bomber Command air-base - Little Rissington - was situated close to here and the crews used The Lamb Inn as a "watering hole" - unfortunately one Wellington crashed just at the back of the Inn on return from a raid - pieces of the aircraft including a propeller are on display.

Cap report: not used at all today so all safe and sound

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