Tuesday 16 September 2014

2014 - day 10 (Devin to Bratislava)

Another perfect day for cycling - a bit overcast but no rain, cool, only a few hills and mostly just cruising through the Austrian countryside on specially made bikeways.

We left the Danube behind for most of the day and cycled through rich farmland for most of the time. Amazed by the bikeways. Today we cycled 45 km - every bit apart from a few through town sections was on bikeway - a lot of it built on the top of quite high banks. A couple of special bikeway bridges as well.

For lunch we stopped at the recommended "Forst-haus" where they served the biggest schnnitzels you've ever seen (we shared one and even then only just managed) along with beautiful cider. Went down well.

Through a few more beautiful little villages and we crossed into Slovakia and over a massive bridge (cycle was under) and into Bratislava which looks incredible.  We are doing a tour late this afternoon  but will publish this blog now and see if I get time to add more after the tour - we are having tea as soon as we get back from the tour and then the boat sets off for Buda-Pest so wi-fi may not be workng. I'll report on the Bratislava tour tomorrow if that happens.

Food on this boat is terrific - beautiful lamb last night, duck tonight and every afternoon they have a "coffee and cake" time which is not helpful to the diet at all.

Trivia: Schloss Hof, a beautiful palace we passed today was built by Prince Eugene who was a Frenchman who drove the Turks out of Austria.

Cap report - neeed I say anything?

cheeers all

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