Sunday 14 September 2014

2014 -Day 8 (Fussen to Passau)

Mostly a travel day today. Left Fussen at about 10 this morning and got here about 12.30 - easy travelling via about 5 or 6 autobahn (thankfully with sat-nav's guidance) - in the rain but we seeem to arrange the rain on our "travel" days so all good.

Driving on the autobahns is interesting - sit on 120k (legal) on cruise control - few speed signs, no police, no speed cameras andyet traffic is very well behaved - but Porsches go past VERY quickly (as do Mercs, BM's, Audis and VW's - hardly a japanese car in sight. We passed the huge BMWfactory outside Munich with thousands lined up outside (couldn't they spare just one???)

Just some thoughts on Germany:

  • Just as green as Ireland
  • VW's seeem very popular
  • Porsches areVERY fast
  • The people are very friendly and happy (except today's taxi driver)
  • Villages are beautifully kept - when you leave one the next steeple comes into sight.
  • They have the best corn crops I've ever seen
  • Everything is big - factories, power stations, roads, - Everything
  • We'd love to come back
Sould be a great few days by the looks of things - keep you posted!

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