Sunday 7 September 2014

2014-DAY 1

How do you make an 8.5 hour plane flight with a stopover in Cairns sound the least bit exciting? You can't really. very nice, comfortable flight though with Cathay - regular attention with food, drinks etc and saw a couple of good movies - I watched The railway man and The other woman - very different but enjoyable and Elizabeth watched the Pianist which apparently wasn't all  that thrilling.

Started off early with taxi ride to the airport and after the usual "hanging around"time we left exactly on time. Got to Cairns where we had hoped to meet Elizabeth's sister Ruth but we weren't allowed out of the departure area so we spoke bby mobile phone looking through the duty-free window! Also spoke with Claire, Jessie and Tom as they were still asleep when we left this morning.

HK airport is as overwhelming as ever - we are in the "Plaza" lounge which is a good place to spend the 6 hour stopover - booked in for showers at 9.00 so should be refreshed for the long overnight haul to Milan - next blog will be from there tomorrow ight. Not much planned for there tomorrow as recovery will have priority.

No "Trivia" in this blog - will start that tomorrow. Another regular update this trip will be "Ian's cap status" as each trip includes rgular loss of caps and the need for replacements! Today's Status report- all in tact  but almost lost one at the coffeee stop on the way down yesterday.

Cheers all - no facebook pictures yet - nothing to show as yet.

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