Saturday 13 September 2014

2014 - Day 7 (Friedberg-Fussen) wewe

A beautiful day - great weather, magnificent drive through Bavaria and great Bavarian dinner to finish off our drive down the "Romantic road"

Better give you a brief outline of our dinner last night - got directions to an authentic Bavarian Restaurant but sadly the centre of town was closed off so had to park the car and ask for directions. Walked for ages in the cold drizzle and evenually gave up, returned to a bar in the old part of Friedberg and ordered pizza. Bartender took pity on two soaked Aussies, put on English music so we spent the night eating pizza, drinking red wine and singing No No Nanette, Mama Mia, ABeautiful noise, Proud mary, Seasons in the sun etc etc. Not culturally appropriate but heaps of fun.

Another beautiful breakfast and set off for the last leg of the Romantic Road. No false directions, no road closures, no false signs- just a beautiful drive through magnificent scenery. We now know how correct the term "Black Forest" is and why Hansel and Gretel got lost!! - the Bavarian forests are magnificent but SO thick and huge trees - beautiful.

Stopped in Landsberg - the most beautiful and authentic of all the towns/villages we've been through on this trip. Incredibly got chatting to a Red Cross volunteer who has just returned from Brisbane where he was hopefully selling 1400 defribulators to Queensland Health!! 24 hours in the plane for a 2 hour meeting! He deserves the contract we reckon.
Gorgeous town. Bought fish\prawn rolls at the market to have for lunch.

Driving into the Bavarian Alps was just the most stunningly beautiful drive -  magnificent fertile farming land with the Alps as the background- unforgettable. Arrived in Fussen and after coffee at Maccas (sorry - its consistently good) we booked in to the Hotel Fantasia (manager is Denise Wilschut's twin sister) and then we headed for the famous Schloss Neuschwanstein castle. Walked up the  road instead of bus or horse carriage and did the 5.30 tour      - fascinating place.

Got directions to authentic Bavarian restaurant again but this time FOUND the right one - Elizabeth had porkwith saukraut and I had baked beef with onion and potatoe and it really was very good. We shared an apple strudle - again VERY good. Bavarian food is very good but wine is ordinary.

Finished the Romantic Road - off to  Passau tomorrow morning to start the Danube bike ride. Dodgy wi-fi on the boat apparently so may be off the air some days.

Trivia: Neuschwanstein was commenced by King Ludwig 11 but never finished due to his mysterious death in 1880's - it is still owned by his descendents.

Cap status: one week down and still in tact!!

cheers all

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