Saturday 27 September 2014

2014 - Day 21 (Llangindir)

"Rest day" today - just a catch-up day with washing, re-organising packing (see below) and taking a walk around this beautiful Welsh village which has both a River and a canal flowing though it.

My suitcase had decided enough was enough after being dragged across too many cobbled streets in the last few weeks and the extendable handle for dragging it along locked in the "out" position and refused to go back in. Jenny had an unused damaged suitcase stored away  ready to dispose of and offered it as a replacement until we get home and can get a new one - an offer I readily accepted so the re-packing process was done this morning while Elizabeth, Jenny, Paul and Helen headed off to do the shopping.

This afternoon we headed out for a walk along the canal pathway and through the village of Llangindir. Co-incidentally we came across the British Hillman Imp club on their annual rally stopped at the local pub - now not too any of you would know that Elizabeth was the proud owner of an Imp just after we were married so she was able to re-acquaint with an Imp! We should probably have hung on to hers as the guys were telling us that the Australian Imps are highly sought after to import back into the UK as they are generally rust-free unlike their UK counterparts.

We've put some photos of Llangindir on Facebook for those who haven't seen our photos of it before-it is just the most geogeous little village in typical hilly green Welsh countryside with sheep on the hillsides and little farm-houses covering the hillsides. Picture-perfect and just typically Welsh - just need a male choir to start singing!!!

We're taking the Thomsons to dinner at the "Red Lion" tonight so that will be our first of hopefully numerous pub dinners over the next week. Tomorrow we head to Great Rissington to start our Cotswold ride (3 days) and then to Cornwall\Devon. Checked out the weather forecast this morning (tablets and wi-fi are wonderful) and it is for cloudy skies, no rain, light winds, 20 degrees maximums for the next week - should be ideal cycling weather!!!

Elizabeth's cold is almost gone so all good. It has been just great to have these couple of days with Jenny and Paul and Helen and catch up with them and have a little break from the rigours of travel.

Trivia: There are less than 100 Hillman Imps left runnning in Great Britain. They were fist produced in Scotland in 1963.

Cap report: all 3 safe and sound!

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