Monday 27 October 2014

2014 - Days 47, 48, 49 (Frankfurt to Home)

.........................and then you have to get home!!!

If spending 20 hours plus in an aeroplane can be enjoyable, I suppose we went fairly close.

Booked out of the hotel at 10, caught the train out to Frankfurt airport (again 4.50 Euro of course  -  hear that London??????) and usual security etc but Frankfurt airport is quite nice as airports go and has comfortable seating available. Elizabeth bought some Chanel at the duty-free and by the time we had a bit to eat it was time to get to the departure lounge. Plane loaded/took off on time, served a very nice lunch and then later shut us down until breakfast was served about an hour before we landed in Hong Kong. Saw a couple of good movies - The Chef and A million ways to die in the Wild West which was pretty crude but in parts VERY funny.

I had pre-booked the lounge in HK airport so "free" food available, drinks, comfortable chairs and finally a welcome shower before boarding the Brisbane flight which also loaded/took off almost on time after having to off-load a lady who became sick before take-off (along with her luggage of course)

Another good flight with great food (when you ask for a whisky with ice   -   "any water??" - "no thanks" - you get a GLASS of straight Chivas Regal with a block of ice!  "would you like another whisky sir??"  "No thanks"

Arrived in Brisbane at 11.40, collected our pre-purchases from duty-free, had an easy passage through passport control and customs and caught a cab to Katherine's. Got to bed at 1.00am and then at 5.00am............................................... "Hello Grandma and Grandpa!!!"

Spent a lovely morning with the kids, spoke with Heather and Tim on Skype (they're going fine) 3.30 flight home to Hervey Bay where Steve and Toni were very kindly waiting and brought us back home.

Went to bed by 8 and woke up at 10.00am Sunday morning!!

Some quick travel comments:

  • For future travellers - I really think that the "no day stop-over" trial worked well - really no jet lag at either end and I think the reason  was that we kept a far more normal routine by just having a (6 hour) break at HK and getting back on the plane
  • Cathay Pacific is a good airline - we've now flown with them 4 times and have left/arrived on time every time, service is great, premium economy is very comfortable (you can actually sleep), food is excellent. Can't ask for much more than that.
  • As you've seen, we have just had the most relaxing, enjoyable holiday with so many "jaw-dropping" moments - just fabulous.
  • problem now is -- where next??

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