Sunday 5 October 2014

2014 - Day 28 (Cornwall/Devon)

Last day to explore Devon and Cornwall so again followed David's advice and headed for  firstly the local town Launceston (Lonston, remember!) and then to Tavistok, an old market town on the edge of the Dartmoor National park and forest (famous for the maximum security prison of course)

Being Sunday morning, Launceston was very quiet. Has an old castle ruin in the centre of town which was the seat of the Dukes of Cornwall. Otherwise there is not a huge amount to Launceston - typical narrow streets at the centre with a town square.

Headed for Tavistok where we did the park and pay thing on the edge of town and walked in for a look around. Really pretty village (almost completely rebuilt by the VII Duke of Bedford in the 1800's) and lots going on, including a combined fun run and food festival. Unfortunately the apparently excellent markets were not operating but enjoyed looking around the rest of it. Very nice coffee shop (it was that time) and then a kind gentleman invited us to visit their museum which was open and had a special exhibition on the American forces stationed in the area prior to D-Day which was very well done and interesting.

Checked out the church on the edge of town - used to be an Abbey and a small section of the original cloisters have remained. Really one of the nicest Parish churches we've seen in UK.

Then came the "down" side of the day - got back to the carpark about half an hour after time and a parking attendent had just beaten us there - 50 pound fine!!!! Bit rich for a Sunday when not much was open and the car park was half empty - and there were dozens of spare roadside  parking spaces as we had walked into town - = one unimpressed tourist! No other village we visited today even charged on Sundays.

Anyway, proceeded across the Dartmoor moor and forest - took time for a lovely walk through the forest. Lots of people/dogs taking advantage of yet another day's beautiful sunshine (but quite cool and windy) Stopped off at another lovely village (also with FREE parking on Sunday) called Moretonhampsted.

Back down the familiar A30 back home. Sadly our Pint and Post was not open tonight so had to go into Launceston to the "White Horse" where it was much noisier and the food was not quite as good - but th people were very friendly and we had a good time.

Unfortunately the weather forecast for tomorrow morning is pretty awful - strong gale-force wind and lots of rain for our trip to Chepstow to return Jenny's car and catch the bus to London. Been amazingly lucky with the weather so can't complain.

Really interesting conversations in the pubs - whenever Australia is mentioned here at the moment you get the same response - complete awe with the way "we" have put a stop to "illegal immigration" - they are unanimously in awe of what Australia has achieved!! - and EVERYONE knows about it.

Trivia: Apart from the terrible beheading of the taxi-driver from Birmingham the other big news item here at the moment is that the EU has brought in a law to limit the power of vacuum-cleaners to 1000watts and hair-dryers are next!! Lovely comment from the BBC host on radio2 today -"Now when you go to the hairdressers, you mart as well use a towel and go 'ome on the boos"  - probably right.

cap report: used all day and still OK!


  1. Parking seems to be a hot TOPIC for you!!! We could employ Seamus as a consultant after his dispute with the Brisbane City Council..... He could at least sympathise with you. Sounds like the trip is great so far. We broke with tradition this morning - Monday (public holiday here) and Steve Toni, Ken Paul & I rode to Maaroom and back instead of the Island Plantation. I thought we had better come clean.... Keep the blog rolling. Love it. Glad the hat is surviving but the trip is not over and fat lady has not sung. Cheers Pud & Robyn

  2. PS also had coffee in lycra at Toast.... on way home


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