Saturday 18 October 2014

2014 -Day 42 (Harstad to Skjervoy)

Most of today was spent cruising between the mainland and the larger islands - again the scenery changing with a surprising amount of green farmland and quite big forests - not what we expected this far north (let's hope the Gulf Stream never stops flowing!!)

Background to all this coastal greenery were snow capped peaks which made for a beautiful morning's cruise which we spent in the "panorama lounge" catching up on some reading and occasoinally racing outside to take picures and then quickly return to the warmth of the lounge. very stressful.

Had one anxious "event" this morning. Mostly I leave the mobile off completely but I turned it on by chance this morning and had a message from ANZ to the effect that there had been activity on my "pay anyone" via internet banking for $xxxx - if it was not mine I should contact them immediately. Well I certainly haven't done a "pay anyone" for that amount so decided I'd better contact them - question was how?? Luckily I had printed off the reverse charges number to contact ANZ Visa from overseas if a card is lost so I tried that and incredibly (sailing along in the Arctic) I got straight through, the girl happily put me through to security and after a bit of searching, they found that it was just my regular monthly payment coming INTO my ANZ account - couldn't fathom how that triggered a warning but all was OK. Isn't commuication these days incredible?? There was not even a second's delay in the conversation (and ANZ paid!)

Our stop today was at 2.00 until 6.00 at Tromso which is quite a big city of about 70 000 inhabitants. Had a lovely walk around what is a very pretty and attractive town centre but as I forecast yesterday, a few more layers were put on prior to departure as the temp  had apparently stopped at 0. It is very reassuring to note that the locals are all just as "rugged up" as we are - gloves, beanies, the lot. Not sure what they look like when the Winter arrives!

Again, a beautiful dinner - again fish but another variety and beautiful every time. Three course lunches AND dinners are going to have to stop!!!!

Trivia:Tromso is where the British finally sank the Tirpitz in 1944. The wreckage has been removed.

Cap report: progressing to the ear-covering beanies tomorrow!

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