Thursday 9 July 2015

65 La Frantz Drive - the beginning

Having now completed the "interesting experience" of selling 136 Pallas Street (the subject of a full story in itself!!), we are now into the hopefully exciting process of building at La Frantz.

Plans are complete, engineering done and Council approval obtained. The builder is to be Steve and Mandy Thomsen who have an excellent reputation so hopefully it will be an enjoyable project - our meetings with them so far have been terrific so hopefully all continues in the same way. The house was designed by local architect Megan Maher who did a fantastic job in interpreting our wishes into something that would actually work! She was also great to work with and the 6 months' planning exercise will be worth all the consultation and attention to detail that Megan contributed

The contract is for 133 days so we are very hopeful of being in the house before Christmas!

Blogs will probably come along circa weekly as long as there is something significant to report which will hopefully be the case.

So the block is mown, the builder's "facilities" are in place (see photo) and Steve is ready to start pegging out.

The "adventure" is about to begin.............

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