Tuesday 7 October 2014

2014 Day 31 (London)

Just back at the hotel from seeing "Billy Elliott"" at the Victoria Palace theatre so might be a short blog but we've done so much today that might be a bit diffficult!!

One day in London, so decided to take the river cruise up to Greenwich as we had not seen it before. Had a very entertaining commentary on the trip up to greenwich ("There's the Traitor's Gate, London's first one-way street") and arrived there about MT time!

We had a great day there - it is  beautiful spot with the Royal Observatory, The meridian, Queen's House, the fantastic Maritime Museum with Nelson's uniform complete with fatal bullet hole on the shoulder, the beautiful Naval Chapel (another of Wren's works) and the painted hall - we easily spent the whole day there before catching the 4.00 boat back.

Walked up to the West end and found that "Billy Elliott" was on at a theatre not far from our hotel so that decided us in favour of seeing it. Fantastic choice - it is a wonderfully entertaining show with all the required comedy, pathos, incredible dancing and brilllliantly performed by the kids in particular.

Off early in the morning to catch the underground to Heathrow for our flight to St Petersburg.

Trivia: Capt Sparrow from Pirates of the carribean is loosley based on the infamous Captain Kidd - he was tied to the wall on the Thames at low tide and left for three days - if he had survived he would have been pardoned (but he didn't)

cap report: too cold to take it off at all today1

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