Friday 3 October 2014

2014-Day 26 (South Cornwall)

If any of our "Blog" readers can relate to this, we decided that today turned out to be our own version of "Dick and Dora go to the seaside" - the places we visited all looked like illustrations straight out of "Dick and Dora"

Started out quite cloudy and windy but David assured us that it was just "misty" and that the sun would come through - and it did! Headed south after another magnificent breakfast (I'll post a photo of the menu tomorrow - please feel for us as we have to make such decisions first thing in the morning!!)

First part of the trip down the A30 took us through the "Bodmin Moor" and then onto seaside village of St Mawes - that is where we first decided we were on the "Dick and Dora"seaside tour - it all looked just like the illustrations - seagulls, litttle boats moored by the harour wall, lighthouse, little shelly beaches, fishermen, etc etc - but a lovely place. It stands at one side of Falmouth harbour and Henry VIII built a fort on the peninsular to protect the approaches to Falmouth which was one of his main Naval bases.

Some observations about the English from our time so far: - Dogs go everywhere; all female drivers of Land rovers, BMW and Audi SUV's have blonde bobs; they're VERY courteous drivers, they all walk small dogs; in Cornwall the word "the" doesn't get used as in "I went to pub" or "I'll get car out"; men don't go out without a blue cardigan; European cars - especially German - outnumber British 20:1.

We then got slightly lost on the way to the next intended destination but it turned out fine as we ended up at St Just's where we had a beautiful walk around the peninsular to a lighthouse and an old WWII gun emplacement and a beautiful view across the whole bay to Falmouth. We then headed (David's suggestion)  to Mevagissey which is a beautiful old fishing village along the coast, relatively unspoilt where we had cake and coffee (???) in a great little cafe where we were invited to be their first Aussie customers to place a pin in their world map showing where their customers have come from. Great priviledge!!  Maryborough was actually marked on the map!

Back home via St Austell, Liskeard. Dinner tonight at the "Pint and Post" has been promised to be a special fish dish so we'll see what Jim comes up with and report later!

Roads today were the narrowest but probably the most picturesque we've been on so far (don't worry Jenny, we didn't brush against anything!!) - one lane only for much of the way with the occasional wider bit for passing - we only had to back up once but were saved when a tractor came up behind us and the other guy had to reverse to let us both through. Many parts of the roads were just a tunnel - high hedgerows with trees joining above - beautiful, but you miss some of the beautiful views of the open Cornish countryside.

Trivia: rest day - more tomorrow!
cap report: looking as though I MIGHT make it!!

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