Monday 6 October 2014

2014 - Day 30 (St Giles to London)

A "travel" day today so guess what?? - yep, wet. In fact last night there were gale warnings for the West and other parts of the UK and sure enough, the wind howled all night and the rain lashed the windows and we woke to a very dismal scene.

Another great breakfast from David and we packed the little car for the last time and set off to Bristol and across the huge Severn bridge to Chepstow where we had arranged to meet Jenny and return her car and catch the coach to London. Thankfully the wind had died down by the time we left at about 9 but intermittent  heavy rain continued and there were three or four accidents on the M30 and M4 which of course slowed the trip somewhat.

Stopped for a coffee at a huge roadside "services"  centre along the way and arrived in Chepstow at about 12.30 and enjoyed a lovely lunch at a little restaurant there with Jenny and Paul. Said our sad farewells to them and then  waited for the "coach" which arrived pretty well on time at 2.45. Just as well we were on the coach today as most of the rail services from the West into London were cancelled, but the coach is not the most comfortable we've experienced and the trip into central London at about 5 in the afternoon is obviously VERY slow!

With the help of a community policemen we navigated our way from Victoria Station to the Belgrave Hotel where we stay for the next two nights. Great little pub called the Gallery just down on the next corner where we enjoyed a terrific dinner (both had grilled salmon with peas, potatoes and a cream sauce - yummy) - and a Guiness

The forecast is for clearer weather tomorrow so we'll see how it goes - we'd like to cruise down the river to Greenwich but we'll see how it looks in the morning.

Trivia: England has just experienced its driest September on record - good for us though!!

Cap report: wore the new Welsh cap tonight - its ccold out there!!!!

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