Tuesday 14 October 2014

2014-Day 38 (Bergen)

We LOVE Bergen!! Reasons:

  • the weather was perfect - cool and not a cloud in the sky
  • it is not too big, but has everything including spectacular views from the mountain, beautiful forest walks on the mountain, charming architecture including world heritage listed wharf buildings, set on a magnificent harbour so has a natural beauty to add to it all
  • The kids are just beautiful - the best behaved and most delightful children - more on them later
No rush this morning - we don't board the ferry until 6.00 so had all day for a casual look around Bergen. Found the Tourist Information centre at the end of the wharfside fishmarket  - the most beautiul displays of fresh fish, massive crabs, lobster etc. Lady recommended the funicular railway up the huge mountain which dominates the town, plus the entre of town, square parks etc.

Set off to find the  start of the funicular - kept going up and up and chatted to a man who said "just keep on going!!" so we did - eventually found we were almost at the top anyway and came across the last station before the top - it looked very steep from there so we paid A$10 each for a ticket to go about 100metres but it was worth it!!  Spectacular views from up there and had a nice coffee and waffle to regain our strength. Info lady had recommended we walk down back to town so in spite of our legs still burning from the walk up, we decided to walk it. Good decision as the path down took us through the most stunning forest walk - incredible plants, beautiful waterfalls and views of the city below through the trees.

Needed more sustinance when we got to the bottom and there was an "organic" coffee and sandwich cafe so we went in and had the most beautiful turkey/salad/cheese "sandwich" ever - great coffee as well. Bit like an up-market subway really - girl who served us leaves for 2 months in Australia in November! ...........and just next door was the terminus for the funicular!!!!

The kids: there were groups of chilren out and about everywhere. They were just amazing- most appeared to be about 3 years old so presumably they were childcare groups. Each group was accompanied by at least one male (no problems holding hands with the kids either) - they were all rugged up with beanies, coats etc and all wore yellow safety jackets. Almost all fair haired/blue eyes and they were just the happiest and best behaved groups of kids we've seeen - all walking calmly, often singing with their teachers, holding hands and staying in their group. Not a sign of a "Cory" anywhere!! We saw at least  dozen groups like this. The area on the mountain has beautiful playgrounds, adventure parks etc scattered all around the place so many were spending time there. VERY impressive.

Doing this part of the blog in the hotel lobby before catching the taxi to the ferrry - not sure if there will be any additions from the ferry tonight before we sail at 8.00pm

PART 2: On the ferry, just leaving port at 8.00 having booked in, had beautiful buffet dinner, listened to  guest clarinet quartet - and that's just the first 2 hours!! Having a "briefing" at 8.30 so will be heading for bed as soon as that's over - it has been a big day. Terrific ship - all looks good forr the next 6 days' cruising. Lovely facilities, friendly crew. Just need to deal with wine prices of about A$15 a GLASS!!!  Water is $6 a bottle - but Merv warned us and we brought our own. Good night all.

PART 3: STOP PRESS!!! During the briefing, an anouncement came over the speakers that the Northern Lights were visible - all abandoned the briefing and headed out on deck and there they were!! We hadn't really counted on seeing this incredible sight but HOPED we may and here they were on our first night. Captain said he had never seen them showing this far "south" so looks good for some more sightings as we go further north. Might evn be able to get a photo with some luck. very lucky!

Trivia: Bergen is where they discovered the cure for Leprosy - they even have a museum dedicated to the story!  (we didn't go)

Cap report: it will be hard to lose it on the ship!

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