Saturday 4 October 2014

2014 - day 27 (cornwall)

"When I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives"............. (Claire and Jessie and Tommy might like to look the rest up in the Nursery Rhyme Book!) - that's one place we went today!!

Incredible luck with the weather - we had a huge storm overnight with very strong winds and lots of rain and this morning dawned still wet and windy. However, the forecast said that the day would end up sunny so over our now normal beautiful breakfast we planned to go to Truro first to seee the cathedral and the apparently lovely town and then head for the coast by which time the day would hopefully be fine again. Turned out that the sun was shining by the time we left Poole farm!!

Easy trip to Truro where we arrived just after 11. Parked and went around to the cathedral which looks very similar to St Johns in Brisbane (see trivia) only to find a "service in progress" sign outside. VERY friendly attendants and we were allowed in to join in the service which was a "licensing of readers" ceremony followed by Eucharist - choir and organ involved so the music was just beautiful and so we enjoyed the whole service. Really friendly and welcoming lot, including the Archbishop.

Needed a coffee before continuing - Truro is a beautiul city with the cathedral literally at the centre and found plenty of places to choose from  ended up at a chocolate shop!  On then to Mont St Michael which is  monastry on an island just off Marazion which is yet another lovely little seaside village with lots of at galleries, gift shops etc.

Next stop was the "famous" St Ives - very steep walk from the car park down to the town which is a bit of another "Dick and Dora" holiday venue - lots of people just strolling along the waterfront enjoying ice-creams and the sunshine - lots of boats in the harbour and cafes, restaurants etc. Quite nice though. Checked out the massive rescue boat.

Almost 5 by this point so headed back direct to the Pint and Post for  drink and dinner - lamb cutlets, shepherds pie, a lager and a full bottle of Shiraz (we had used their whole stock of small bottles so Tim went out and bought us a bottle specially - how could we refuse???) for 26 pounds! Hilarious night - half the regulars whom we have got to know quite well were off to a wedding and the conversation was just hilarious - a fun farewell to a terrific group of people.

Just loving Devon and Cornwall - terrrific people (but really hard to understand sometimes), beautiful scenery and incredible little seaside villages, each one very different. Weather has obviously helped to put it all in  good light.

Trivia: Truro cathedral was designed by Pearson, the same architect who designed St John's in Brisbane - thus  explaining the striking similarity.

cap report: still OK!!!!

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