Wednesday 18 October 2017

2017 day 47 (18th October Cowes to London to Singapore)

Missed a day as the WiFi at Heathrow was not "secure" so two days in one!

Had Tuesday morning having a casual wander around Cowes checking out the fabulous yachts there - dozens of beautiful racing and leisure craft - hate to think how much money is tied up in the pleasures of Sailing!  Look fantastic though.

They had originally suggested that we catch the 3.15 ferry to Portsmouth to then connect with train from there to Working then bus to Heathrow. We decided to give ourselves some more buffer time in case anything went wrong on the motorways etc so caught the 2.15 instead. Smooth trip over to Portsmouth although still very cloudy and occasionally drizzly- and cold so looks like we timed our exit from England to  Perfection!

Connected with the 3.30 train to London getting off at Working where the Heathrow bus was waiting.  About 3/4 hours trip into Heathrow so we were there in good time to have a very nice dinner before checking in for our 10.00 flight.

First experience of an A380 and it was a very comfortable, smooth and qui

et flight - certainly a magnificent aircraft. Seat was probably not as wide or comfortable as those on Cathay but still slept pretty well.

Arrived in Singapore on time (5.45) and have found the lounge where we will enjoy some drinks, food and a shower before re-boarding at 11.45 for Sydney. Almost finished!

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