Thursday 5 October 2017

2017 day 34 (5th October- Kenmare -the Ring of Kerry)

ALMOST everyone who visits Ireland tours the Ring of Kerry and it is generally regarded as one of the great and iconic drives in the world. Did it meet those Expectations?  We think so but the previous day's drive around the other southern peninsular compared very well on most fronts. The Ring of Kerry suffers from too much success - buses and tour groups everywhere and this is the "low" Season!

No doubt ting the spectacular scenery which is constantly changing and frequently providing the "wow" factor. We were blessed with brilliant sunshine and clear skies for the whole day. Raymond and Daniella our lovely hosts at the B&B gave us a full lowdown on the trip before we set out. Stopped at a funny little place called Sneed to fuel up (cash only thank you)  and buy some souvenirs. The square on the East side of the town is South Square and the square on the west is called North Square. As we've found for other things, the Irish March to their own Beat!

Another stop at the Staigue Fort - up an even narrower and winder road - built between 500bc and 300ad from rock placed so carefully that no mortar was necessary.

The road twists and turns along high cliffs overlooking the ocean and Islands the most spectacular of which would certainly be Scarrit Island. It then turns inland for a time before re-emerging on the north side of the Peninsula overlooking Dingle Bay.

We stopped in Killarney and got some information from the visitor's centre re the national park which we had a bit of a look at before heading back towards Kenmare stopping at the beautiful Torc falls before the road took us over the mountains with great views of the lakes and back into Kenmare.

Kenmare has been a great centre to stay. Very pleasant little town with fabulous main street full of great restaurants and pubs. There is something very special about walking into town, enjoying a Guinness and a beautiful stew while listening to terrific Irish music live and then heading back in the cold night air thick with the smell of coal fires.  Just fabulous.

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