Thursday 12 October 2017

2017 day 41 (12th October Bath to Cowes)

Today dawned a bit Misty and cloudy but apart from an occasional light shower it got better as the day went on. Beautiful breakfast at the Western Lawn B&B in Bath then we walked into town via the beautiful Victoria Gardens and joined the Mayor's Town Walk which was washed out when we were here in 2006. It took 2 and a half hours which was probably a bit long but it was very interesting. A bite to eat at a great little bakery and then left Bath at about 2 to head for Portsmouth and drop the hire car off. Thankfully I've worked out the satnav so it guided us there no problem except we found when we got there that the office now closes at 4 so had to leave the car in the car park and drop the keys in a box - not really happy about that but not much we can do.

Caught the ferry across to the Isle of Wight and then had to get a taxi to Cowes as our ferry stopped at Ryde and we are at Cowes which is not too far. Unusual B&B here has a little unit down in the back yard but it is very quiet and private and we have a back gate to a short cut to town. Our first impressions of Cowes are terrific - it is

such a quiet and quaint little place with lovely shops and heaps of pubs/restaurants. Absolutely charming. I think we are in for a great few days as the finale to our trip.

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