Wednesday 4 October 2017

2017 day 33 (4th October- Kinsale to Kenmare)

Again taking the advice of our B&B host John we continued on the coastal path trading speed and ease of driving for the potential of more spectacular views. Again we were not disappointed. The weather was clear as we set off after a beautiful full Irish breakfast -(including Black pudding Bronwyn) Back through the beautiful village of Kinsale. John told us that the Old Head of Kinsale was the last port of call for Titanic.

First stop was the most Southerly point of Ireland - Mizen Head - where there is a pub and a lighthouse and a dog who loved chasing stones but not much else. Beautiful drive to get there though.

We then continued around the spectacular "Wild Atlantic Coast " around the edge of both the Bantry inlet and the Kenmare inlet. Reached the  point adjacent to Dursey Island where there is an incredible old cable car still taking passengers across the windy gap - very brave passengers we'd say.

The country we travelled through today was quite extraordinary - beautiful green and fertile in places but quite windswept and rocky in others. Spectacular cliffs and high mountains - parts reminded us of Mull.

Drizzle settled in as we got to Kenmare at about 5.30 and after a freshen up walked the 10 minutes into town in the drizzle, wind and cold - it is Ireland after all. Beautiful dinner at the Horseshoe Public-  crab claws and salad for Elizabeth and huge helping of pork ribs for me.

Very slow Internet here so I'll just put up one blog picture tonight - the cable car across to Dunsey Island.

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