Tuesday 21 August 2018

New Zealand - Day 1

Wé arrivéd in Wellington slightly ahead of time (3 minutes to midnight instead of 1 minute to midnight) after  pretty good flight from Hervey Bay and Sydney. Virgin served interesting  snack - frozen celery and dip! But Air NZ made up for it with a very nice  chicken casserole for dinner.

Got picked up from the airport by the hotel shuttle and had a very comfortable night. The instructions for the Apex hire car were to ring them from the shuttle stop at the airport. Left the luggage at the motel and walked to the airport and phoned for the pick-up. Bus soon arrived and we asked him to take us to the motel to pick up the luggage. No problem, which motel? Airport lodge. Off we go and soon realize we seem to be heading the wrong way. Is this the way? Yes, have to go around one way road. Ok. After a few more minutes, pull up outside strange hotel. Sign says Airport Hotel. No, we said airport lodge motel. Oh dear, airport lodge motel is right next door to Apex office - back through the airport and back to where we had started!
Successfully navigated out of Wellington and as we only had 180km to travel today we ca lled in to little beach towns along the way. Titahi Bay was the first with beautiful surf coming into a beautiful little bay with colourful boatsheds. Bit depressed as a centre but managed an ok coffee and apple tart for morning tea.
Next stop was Paraparaumu which was obviously a much trendier place with beaut little shops and cafe's. Being lunch time we went into a little cafe that was almost full (good sign) and had the most BEAUTIFUL steak and kidney pie, salad and coffee. Extra good as it was blowing a very cold northerly outside.
We ran into a bit of rain on the last leg of the drive into Palmerston North but it is now clear and sunny - still blowing and cold though.
Dinner tonight with Nephew Michael who works here and off to Napier to start the bike ride tomorrow.
Great first day - beautiful drive along the scenic coast and great food. Very relaxing.Had a MAGNIFICENT meal with Michael tonight at Neros Restaurant in Palmerston Nth. Probably best menu we've seen anywhere and beautifully prepared. Tiramisu not QUITE as good as the one last year but very close second. Fitting finish to a great day 1!!

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