Saturday 7 October 2017

2017 day 36 (7th October- Kenmare to Kinvarra)

Continuing our Northern excursion up the "Wild Atlantic Coast" from the lovely Kenmare we decided to maintain the policy of sticking to the coastal route which has given us some wonderful Vistas of rural Ireland.

The main aim today was to visit the iconic cliffs of Moher but there was a fair bit of travel to be done to get there. We took the scenic route again from Kenmare up to Killarney but this time we had another challenge to the usual narrow winding road with buses and tight corners etc by finding that the was a bike race being held so we had to sit behind bikes until you could see enough clearance ahead to pass. Just added to the fun but they like their riding dangerous around Here!

From Killarney we continued north to Tralee and then followed the coast road up to the Shannon Ferry which crosses the large Shannon River inlet. Arrived just as the ferry was pulling out so had to wait an hour for the next Service!

Following the coast road north brought us to the famous Cliffs of Moher along with literally hundreds of other tourists. The Cliffs are certainly spectacular - over 200 metres high and they extend for 8 km so we didn't walk the whole length of course. Weather stayed fine although windy and quite cold but we got to see them in good conditions really.

Following on from the Cliffs is an area known as the Burren which are huge mountains which are just rock and very little soil - quite an amazing sight.

Not a long trip on to our B&B in Kinvarra where the pubs are a bit of a disappointment as far as food is concerned and we went to one across the road and settled for Lasagna-  and a Guinness of course.

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