Monday 2 October 2017

2017 day 31 (2nd October llangynidr to Killinick)

We are back in beautiful Ireland after 11years' absence and it feels Wonderful!

We said our sad farewells to Jenny, Paul and Helen in Wales at about 9.30 and set off on the A40 west across Wales. Absolutely beautiful drive but fairly slow with tractors and horse floats along the way. We weren't game to stop for photos or coffee as we had to make the ferry terminal at Fishguard by 12.40 at the latest so kept on going.

We finally arrived at the terminal at about 12.30 so just went straight and lined up/checked in for the ferry which then left on time at 1.10. Always amazed by how many vehicles including buses and semi trailers go onto these ferries.

We had been a bit worried by the weather reports for the Irish Sea coming through yesterday as they were predicting force 9 gales and very rough seas which would probably mean cancellation of the service or at least a very interesting Trip! However, the weather seemed to improve as we got closer and by the time we left the harbour the Captain was predicting a reasonable crossing albeit with the stabilizers extended. Turned out to be a fairly comfortable crossing with the occasional big swell giving rise to a thud and a shudder but overall not too bad. We had lunch and a coffee and watched the movie "Sully" which was about the Hudson River plane ditching and the following investigations. Very good movie.

Arrived in Rosslare harbour a bit late due to the big swell and after having our passports checked we found the Moyglare  B&B at Killinick a few kms down the road. They recommended the Cooper's Inn just down the road for dinner so after an afternoon walk we headed down there. You've just got to love the Irish and their pubs. So welcoming even though you really can't follow the general conversations.  Ordered Guinness and then a Steak and Guinness pie each - magnificent.

Pierce and Marlee are the operators here and have lit

a beautiful fire for us in the lounge tonight and given us the suggested route and things to see on the way to Cork tomorrow.

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