Tuesday 3 October 2017

2017 day 32 (3rd October Killinick to Kinsale)

Always pays to take advice from the locals. Pierce at the Moyglare B&B advised to take the southern coastal route across to Cork so we would see more of the coast and also see some extra sights such as the Hook lighthouse. It was a much winder road and quite narrow and of course lined with hedges but it turned out to be good advice of course.

One problem we have struck has been the satnav in the Fiat - obviously designed by an Italian and just the most difficult thing to follow. It sent us back to Rosslare harbour this morning instead of taking us to the place we needed to go to start the Hook Head trip so we ended up ignoring it. Had more trouble with it getting through Cork as well.

Hook Head lighthouse is fascinating. It was built by monks in the 13th century as a warning to shipping in the area and they lived within it and kept the fires burning all night as well as their other duties. It has had lights attached to the top fuelled by coal,  oil, paraffin and electricity and is still in operation so at over 800 years old is by far the world's oldest. Had the full tour and a bit of morning tea at the end.

Kept to the coastal route which was very twisty and slow but beautiful. Crossed on the Passage East ferry to Tramore, Dunbar van along what they call the copper coast where they used to mine and smelt copper in buildings just like those portrayed in the Polldark series in Cornwall where they produced tin.

We got to our lovely B&B south of Cork after the satnav gave us a bit of a run around in Cork but all's well that ends

well. They recommended that we head down 10 k to Kinsale for dinner as it is renowned for its seafood. Had the best fish and chips ever and seafood chowder. Beautiful. Ireland is going very well!

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