Saturday 5 October 2019

The others- Day 30 (Pontorson)

With two days in Pontorson we had to toss up which day we would use to visit Mont Saint Michel and because it was advised that Sunday sung Mass is something really special and the weather didn't look too bad and the forecast was for some rain but in the afternoon we decided to do a casual cycle along the coast East of the Mont and hopefully reach a museum in Avranches which shows the manuscripts produced by the monks on Mont Saint Michel. We got the cycle map from the tourist office and headed off and had a very good, scenic and fairly easy ride to Beauvour where the map showed the cycle path going South West. Only problem was that there were no signs in the village to show which road led to the cycle path. Had a bit of morning tea at a cafe which gave you a cup to get your coffee at a machine (!!!?) But no one knew the road/cycle path we were after. Eventually decided from the map to head for Mount Saint Michel and use a main road East from there to access the cycleways. Plan worked fine and had a few Km of lovely rural riding when the skies opened up and it poured! On with the wet weather gear and continued for a bit but when we reached Huisnnes-le-Mer we decided that it wasn't worth continuing as the rain was all around us and was showing no signs of ending. As we back-tracked to Mont Michel of course it started to clear so we stopped along the huge boardwalk leading out to the Abbey and enjoyed out bagette which we purchased earlier. Back home to dry out shoes etc and headed downtown for a coffee and bite to eat Found a little cafe around the corner for a quick simple meal tonight - ended up with more Cancale oysters and a very nice steak, salmon and creme brule! Looking forward to a special day tomorrow. .

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