Friday 4 October 2019

The others- Day 28 (st Malo)

Apologies- internet stopped last night so couldn't finish/send blog.. two to read now! The decision was made to leave the bikes in the garage for the day and spend our time exploring San Malo and areas around. The day dawned cloudy but once again it became clearer as the day went on and ended up bright and sunny. Very cold first up though with quite a strong wind. Good breakfast at the hotel and then left for a walk around the wall of this amazing city. San Malo is famous for Being the home of the "Corsairs" who were privateers or basically pirates who controlled the English Channel and also frequented the Caribbean on pirate raids making rum a distinct local delicacy which features in restaurant menus. The walk around the wall took about an hour and a half with beautiful views of both the town itself and out to the surrounding rocky islands. After a coffee in a cafe near the wall we set out to walk to the neighbouring town of Saint Servan which was actually the original settlement in the first century but as they kept on being raided by just about everybody they decided to shift to the more rocky area of San Malo where a fortress could be built. Had a nice relaxed day wandering around the town of San Servan. Lovely shops, beautiful foreshore and parks. Had an interesting museum on all the early voyages around Cape Horn from Magellan to Cook, Drake etc all housed in a 14th century tower. On the headland there remains the German defense structures from WW2 with all the evidence of the American attacks on them and their eventual defeat. Back home where it began to drizzle a bit but clear for dinner at about 7. Went to a seafood restaurant and had z a set menu which was absolutely beautiful - three courses. Off to Pontorson and Mont San Michel tomorrow!

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