Friday 4 October 2019

The others - day 29 (San Malo to Pontorson)

Sad to leave beautiful San Malo this morning but the weather was looking pretty good, if a little dull and cool and see set off after a good breakfast. Beautiful ride through the countryside with lots of healthy looking crops in fertile farmland and diverted to a little coastal village called Canacale which is famous for - OYSTERS! The tide goes way out here and exposes the rocks where the oysters are harvested. Little tent shops along the foreshore where the sellers offer plates of freshly shuked oysters do who are we not to take up the offer? Pretty easy at Euro 7.50 A dozen and we are them on a seat near the beach. Absolutely beautiful oysters which were in huge shells but the oysters were thinner than ours but were on each side of the shell. Bit of a climb out of Canacale but soon resumed easy level cycling along cycleways with the sea on our left - through numerous quaint villages. Stopped along the seafront for a beautiful "crepe cappuccino" for lunch and then continued along the coastline bikeways. Just as we got Mont st Michel firmly in our sights the dire tions to Pontiorson became very ambiguous and we ended up pretty well lost at which time it decided to rain fairly heavily! Got the wet weather gear tops on and then it pretty well stopped but remained threatening. Pulled up a fellow on a motorscooter who sent us in the right direction then found another country Frenchman who smelt like a winery but gave us a very animated description of how to turn left, go straight through two big roundabouts Ang get to Pontorson. Surprisingly his directions worked a d we got here about 5.30 having travelled 74 km instead of the planned 61! Lovely B&B in the middle of town and a terrific meal with the most reasonable but top quality foi gras and stewed beef and lamb for dinner. We'llprobably do a rude along the coast tomorrow (weather permitting) and head to Mont st Michel on Sunday when the monks is Dave a sung mass at 11.15.. That is the plan at this stage anyway.

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