Wednesday 2 October 2019

The others- Day 27 (Dinan to St Malo)

No doubt about it - we are being very lucky with the weather. Rain and plenty of it was forecast for today and sure enough, as we prepared to leave the hotel after breakfast the drizzle started out of heavy skies so o went the wet weather coats. However, almost immediately tge drizzle stopped and soon we we riding in fins but quite cool weather for tge rest of tge day! Had a bit more of a look around the old centre of Dinan which really is worth seeing with buildings dating back centuries and so much history all around. As we passed through one of the old town gates in the wall we turned down a steep street leading to the port and found an even more incredible streetscape which just kept revealing more amazing old timbered buildings as we turned each corner. The old port is also quite beautiful and had a nice coffee at a quayside cafe before rejoicing our bikeway beside the canal for a while. Eventually climbed away from the canal and estuary and wound our way through farmland with lots of corn crops, modern estates and traditional villages mostly still on bikeways. Stopped at a modern shopping mall for a bite of lunch and glass of wine before continuing on to reach Dinard about 2 to catch the ferry just over the estuary to St Malo. Only snag of the day was that the ferries are now running to off-season timetable and the next ferry was not until 4.50! Long wait with not much to do but eventually we arrived at St Malo and booked into a great little family hotel right in the middle of town. They recommended a little typical French restaurant almost next door so after a bit of preliminary exploring we went for dinner. Following the obligatory foie gras Elizabeth had scallops and I had a HUGE lamb shank. As always they produce flavours you have never experienced before. Two options tomorrow- we can catch the ferry back over the estuary and do a ride through the countryside or explore St Malo and given our experience with the ferry today we are leaning towards the local option. Stay tuned!

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