Tuesday 1 October 2019

The others - day 26 (Dinge to Dinan)

Now neither of the above two places are on the normal tourist routes but both will remain in our memories for ever - Dinge because of the wonderful Fabienne at Les Clos der Anges (The House of Angels) sho looked after us in the most extraordinary and hospitable ways possible and Dinan because of its surprising and exotic architecture and history. In spite of the fact that she was supposed to be leaving for a holiday this morning, Fabienne was up early, visited the bakery and proceeded to present us with the most amazing candlelight breakfast you could imagine! Bowls of fruit, beautiful breads, meats and cheeses, yoghurt home made of course, jams the same all served with "est voila". She certainly saved a pretty terrible situation. Set off with my maps downloaded onto the phone so had to stop frequently to read but we actually did the whole ride today without a deviation! Absolutely beautiful and level ride through changing forests and farmland with everything from geese to goats to cattle to corn. Again heavy rain was predicted but while some of the bikeway was quite wet, we did not actually go through any rain heavy enough to warrant wet weather gear. Amazingly lucky. Internet here is excruciatingly slow so I won't download too many photos but the scenery has been superb. Dinan is incredible. Dating back to 1100s in its archive cure it is a world heritage site and is just amazing to walk around - everything is clean and well looked after. Dinner tonight was at a little restaurant where after the obligatory foie gras (the best we've had!) I cooked duck on a hot rock and Elizabeth had beautiful prawns. The duck was absolutely beautiful with a honey sauce and mushrooms. Yum! So we survived the omission of a guide document quite well actually but we do t want to make a habit of it. Tomorrow we have another easy day with circa 2 hour ride to St Malo.

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