Saturday 8 September 2018

New Zealand Day 19

Ready to take it easy for last regular day in NZ. Shared breakfast at the B&B with a German couple - Stephan and Christina who had flown out got pick up their yacht which was being repaired here after the de-humidifier had broken down. Not a bad lifestyle - Stephan runs a car component manufacturing business in Germany but spends most of the year sailing in the Pacific and Australia. Just pops back to check the business occasionally!

Two things we had not seen on our trip so far were Kauri Pines and Kiwis. Headed out this morning after that long breakfast to a treetops walk through a Kauri stand. They really are a spectacular tree - huge girth plus height. Lovely hike through the forest as well.

After morning tea in town at which two ladies shared just about their whole life stories with us we went up to the Kiwi House and local museum. Had to enter a darkened room and wait very patiently but eventually the kiwis came out of their nest and wandered about sometimes right in front of us - quite a bit bigger than I had imagined.

Interesting local museum to finish off the afternoon. Home to pack the ports and sort out all the bits and pieces before heading out to dinner at a local English pub. Off to Auckland in the morning for a very early flight Tuesday morning. Ouch.

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