Wednesday 5 September 2018

New Zealand Day 16

Mixed weather forecast for today so we headed down to the Town Basin as it is called - a newly developed area beside the river with restaurants and retail etc and marina. Some great ideas that could be applied to Maryborough along the river where the old wharves used to be with pictures and stories and cycle-walking track. Beautiful. Went to the info centre and bought tickets for a cruise of Bay of Islands tomorrow.

Took off to do the hike at Whangarei Falls which were quite beautiful and track took us alongside the river. Thought we would continue to the treetops walk in the Kauri forest but the predicted rain set in so we went back to the cafe area in town and enjoyed coffee and cake beside a beautiful fire instead! Tough.

Checked out the best fish and chips in town so that is the plan for tonight's dinner along with a bottle of red we acquired from the Te Awa winery way back on our bikeride.

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