Monday 3 September 2018

New Zealand Day 13

Thankfully feeling much better this morning. Still taking food very carefully though.

After breakfast of toast and honey (someone else enjoyed muesli, porridge, eggs etc) we headed north to Karangahake Gorge which is only a few km from where we are staying. As well as being a pretty spectacular gorge in its own right, it is the site of an old gold mine and battery-processing area where there were massive workings.
With the occasional shower requiring the addition of the wet weather gear we set off on the hike trails which took us through the windows area where the mineshafts broke through the rock high up in the gorge and after morning tea we took the tunnel route to an old 1000m railway tunnel which is now part of a cycling rail trail - a thought for the future?
Vegemite sandwiches for lunch while others had nice toasted chicken sandwiches but at least I was feeling so much better.
Headed for Waihi Beach where we climbed the Trig trail which took us to the highest point where we could see the whole coastline. Spectacular, but had to climb 237 steps to get there (and come down 237 again!).
After cleanup, headed down the road a bit to Waikiki pub for dinner - pork pasta for me and Greek lamb for Elizabeth- beautiful. Sat next to a girl who had just returned from living in Harvey Bay and working in Maryborough!

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