Friday 7 September 2018

New Zealand Day 18

What a difference a day makes!

Everything went to plan today - early breakfast (huge) and we were off to meet the cruiseboat in Paihia. No roadworks, little traffic, good trip and we arrived with minutes to spare! Lovely crowd on the boat - people from GB, Holland, Canada and everyone had a great time.

It was a beautiful sunny day and very little swell even outside the islands as we headed north . Called in to lots of little bays including one where Cook had a bit of an altercation with the ,local Maori and is now known as Cooks Cove. Got up to the famous hole in the rock - just too much swell to go through but we did back into an amazing sea cave nearby.

Stopped in at a lovely little bay for lunch and were given time to go for a hike up to the knoll for a beautiful view across the islands. The boat called in to Russell on the way back to port so we took the option of getting off there and spending about an hour browsing the great little shops and cafes there before using a complimentary ticket to catch the regular ferry back to Paihia. Good drive home and back by 5.

Off to a nice restaurant in the town basin tonight. One full tourist day left!

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