Friday 7 September 2018

New Zealand Day 17

Some days just don't work out as planned. Booked on the Bay of Islands boat tour and just needed to be up at Piahia by 9.45 and so had early breakfast and set off. First had deviation as we thought we had missed the turn but soon put that right but then just out of  Whangerie traffic came to a grinding halt. Major roadworks and peak hour morning traffic backed up for kms!

Eventually got through but clearly we were not going to make the boat on time so rang and rebooked for tomorrow so we were not under too much pressure.

Still went up to Paihia and had a good look around then went to the info centre to check out walks. She recommended a walk to the Waitangi Treaty grounds and on through the wetlands and coming back via the road. Good. Had some lunch and set out on what turned out to be a 12 km walk!

Wasn't too impressed with the treaty grounds as they wanted to charge a hefty entry fee which didn't please the locals either. The walk through the wetlands was fairly easy and varied between areas of mangroves to beautiful treefern forests. Ended at a beautiful waterfall and then began the return trip by road which was pretty long and exhausting up some pretty big hills and involved over 5km of walking.

Finally got back to town about 5.30 so went to an Italian restaurant and devoured pasta and lasagne for an early dinner. Thankfully an uneventful trip home so we have another try for the cruise tomorrow! Weather forecast is thankfully v.good!

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