Wednesday 28 October 2015

"Minafon" - week 16, Wednesday

completed laundry (except for mixer)

ensuite floor and walls grouted
No new pics today - thought that pictures of door latches and towel rails might be just a bit boring! Mark (tiler) finished today with siliconing all the wet  areas - the whole tiling job looks terrific. Scott and Steve were there doing all the door knobs and latches, towel rails, toilet-roll holders etc etc so we just had to go over and chat about the positions of all those bits. Also installed the glass in the ensuite/bedroom niche spaces. They are kindly going to install our clothes line and the baskets in the wardrobe for us.

There might be some chance of an "early" moving day as they are going to spend the weekend after next cleaning - and so when the carpets go in with the insect-screening on Monday 9th it may be ready for us to move in!

The internal air-con units go in tomorrow and the external units on Friday. Electrical is all to be connected ready to go "live" on Friday as well and Chris also comes along then to do the finishing off and fixing any scratches etc from the electrical/aircon and plumbing fit-outs. These guys are fantastic at co-ordinating everything - Chris the painter was even there last Sunday doing the last coat on the deck!!

The weather here has been quite wet (40mm in a storm last night and steady rain all day today) - so the driveway/grasspaver installation might be waiting until next week - we'll see.

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