Tuesday 20 October 2015

"Minafon" - week 15, Tuesday

Can't miss a day at the moment! Today saw the porch and deck railings completed, more work on the ensuite tiling, completion of the study bench, beginning of the electrical fit-out and the installation of the garage panel-lift door and the "shed" roll-a-door. Kitchen drawers are back with the dividers installed and external painting is almost complete.

Mandy phoned and we had a chat about a few bits and pieces like carpet and air-conditioning installation and she also advised that we could start planning around a Friday 13th November move-in day. Peter Polly who did a wonderful job on our timber floor restoration at Pallas Street is going to do the timber flooring so we're very happy about that.

So...... barring any last minute hold-ups, we should be moving on 13th November!!

deck rails installed - wide enough for a stubbie!! or plate!

ensuite walls almost done - 

garage door and rear roll-a-door installed - now need a key!

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