Tuesday 27 October 2015

"Minafon" - week 16, Tuesday

A relatively quiet day today - Mark finished off the grouting and now just has the sealing to complete tomorrow and he is "done". When we went over to drop off the clothes line this morning, the guys were there installing the fireplace and flue - that's all done now and we just have to light it up with three "small" fires to cure the paint etc apparently - in this weather?????

I've started on the letter box posts so that will be ready to install as soon as the drive-way is done - this week sometime apparently. Getting just a bit impatient to get in and enjoy all the things we've been seeing being put in place!

now we just need the bath back!

fire place ready - probably not for a while yet though!

Range-hood now complete

...even the kitchen sink

no smoke for a while yet.

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