Monday 13 July 2015

65 La Frantz Drive - Under way!!

Now we are really under way - went past the block on the ride this morning to check the "pegging out" and found the place full of trucks, diggers and workers!

The sand for the slab is down and the holes for all the posts (49 of them) all dug. Posts go in today and the slab for the garage and laundry goes down Friday.

Also went to visit Graham the joiner who will be making the timber doors which will open onto the "river" deck as well as the front door and the internal double doors into the living room. He is obviously a wonderful craftsman - absolutely beautiful timber work and wood carvings done by him adorn his workshop and you can immediately pick his passion for timber work. Great to work with people who really love their work.

We chose "Surian Cedar" for the doors (just Google) - a red cedar which looks very similar to Australian red cedar - but thankfully MUCH cheaper - not to mention available! Really looking forward to seeing these in place.

More news Friday when the slab/foundations will be completed.

Pictures: Elizabeth and Steve the builder standing on the front porch! - the exact outline of the house is clear.

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